Welcome to Wyoming’s first public 24 unit Bioscaler Energy Enhancement System!

Experience the Energy Enhancement System, a holistic approach that combines the power of science with your mind, body, and spirit. Join us for an hour or more to recharge and discover the positive impact on your health.


The EESystem is a technology that generates a strong energy field to enhance health. It merges body, mind, spirit, and science to help us achieve optimal well-being. This system produces various energy fields that can enhance healing. By using this technology, we can give our bodies the best energy source, improving blood flow, oxygen levels, and cellular energy. This enables the body to revitalize and restore its health and equilibrium.

Providing comfort and relaxation

All your appointments will be held in our serene and tranquil setting, providing you with a soothing and relaxing environment that is conducive to resetting and rejuvenation.

Keys to optimal results with the EE System is consistency in visits, hydration, positive thinking/affirmations and detox baths. The body will prioritize what the body needs first, which may be different than you think.

Where are
we located?

Wyoming Life Energy is the FIRST EESystem center in Wyoming!

We are located at:

1480 East C Street
Casper, WY 82601



Handicapped Accessible Free Parking • Hospital Grade Air Purifier/Sanitizer